One significant experience that I have had while studying abroad is working as a professor assistant for a bilateral interpretation class at UPO. In class, I help prepare scenarios and act out interpretation scenarios with the professor. For example, last week I acted as a representative of a bodega chain looking to carry wine from a Spanish company. Students in the class take turns acting as a translator and communicate between myself and the professor.
One of the most fun elements of class is that it is very dynamic, since the professor and I must react to what the students say for their translation, not what we have written in our script. I have also enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about translation theory through this class, which has been incredibly valuable information for me, as well. I believe that a week point of my Spanish is my vocabulary, which I have expanded each week with our ever-changing prompts.
Most significantly, I have loved meeting classmates from Spain. The only downfall of having a well-developed international program at UPO is that you spend more time with exchange students than locals. Working with the class has granted me the opportunity to branch out more into the local scene. Students have been very friendly, and I have met up with a few outside of class to practice – I practice Spanish, and they practice English. I am so glad I was selected for this volunteering experience as a way to round out my academic and social life at UPO.