Hello! Here you will find my translations from Spanish 497H, an independent study on the art of translation. I learned about the practice of translation and worked on a cumulative project on translating selections from El Libro de la Cocina Española by Néstor Luján and Juan Perucho (1970). Having finished the fall semester and my selected texts, I have uploaded them here for your enjoyment. Please note, I do not claim ownership of El Libro de la Cocina Española, I am merely working on my translation abilities and sharing my finished works on my blog. Please enjoy!
The Art Arabic and Christian Cuisine Andalusia Beer The Shared Pleasure Hispano-Roman Cuisine
Romantic era Renaissance Cuisine The Taste Technique Cuisine of Towns Wine and Brandy
"Regions" is the longest section of translation and features information on some of Spain's autonomous regions, including Valencia, Murcia, Extremadura, Madrid, the Canary Islands, and Galicia.